About Me

Smalley, Derbyshire
A bit about myself. Hi, as you may have gathered my name is David and,this is my first blog. I am a fiftymmmmph year old bloke from the Smalley area of Derbyshire. Of late I have been unwell with depression and my therapist suggested that I take up a hobby as one aid to my recovery. Some years ago I did a plumbing course but never got taken on in any firm to continue with the more practical side and hands on experience. So as I know a little about soldering copper pipe and how to use a set of pipe benders why not put them to good use and try my hand at making decorative features.

Friday 28 October 2011

"Kettles On". My third piece

The idea for this came from all those old western movies, where all the cowboys are sat round the fire waiting for the kettle to boil for a brew.
The kettle is made of brass, (not made by me). The base is a piece of plate solderd to a spring bent piece of 15mm. The fire wood from 22mm. And last but not least the flame from oddments of plate.