About Me

Smalley, Derbyshire
A bit about myself. Hi, as you may have gathered my name is David and,this is my first blog. I am a fiftymmmmph year old bloke from the Smalley area of Derbyshire. Of late I have been unwell with depression and my therapist suggested that I take up a hobby as one aid to my recovery. Some years ago I did a plumbing course but never got taken on in any firm to continue with the more practical side and hands on experience. So as I know a little about soldering copper pipe and how to use a set of pipe benders why not put them to good use and try my hand at making decorative features.

Monday 24 October 2011

Piece number 2

This one was made from 4 lengths of pipe bent into a long W, then inter laced and solderd top bottom and middle. The base was made from a piece of copper plate cut into a circle, then the raised line segments punched in with a chisel and the segments beaten in to form an inward depression between the lines.

My first piece

This is my first creation using copper wire twisted with a drill and a piece of pipe for the base. The oak leaf on top is cut out from copper plate by my own fair hand.